The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) once estimated that millions of workers were victims of tax misclassification, being defined as independent contractors when the terms and conditions of their work actually defined them as employees. While some employers do so in genuine error, others misclassify their workforce deliberately for reasons like the following: They are not […]
Can NJ Businesses Benefit from the IRS Offer In Compromise (OIC) Program?
If your company is struggling with tax debt, the good news is that it is possible to make an arrangement with the IRS to reduce what you owe and establish a sustainable repayment plan, using the IRS Offer in Compromise (OIC) program. When economic times are tough, business owners can reach the point where they […]
8 Red Flags That Could Trigger an IRS Small Business Audit
Last year, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audited just over one million returns. That’s a lot less than the 1.74 million returns they audited in 2010, but it’s still no fun for the millions of taxpayers that had to go through the process! Overall, the IRS audits only about 1 in 200 returns. But some […]
Can You Negotiate Back Taxes with the IRS?
No one likes to owe the IRS. The balance owed seems to linger over your head, and each year you pray that your next return will yield a refund rather than more owed to the IRS. You work hard to pay off the balance; you even take extra from your paycheck. But the penalties and […]
Are You Up-to-Date on the Payroll Tax Changes for 2018-2019?
As an employer, you know how important it is to stay current on tax changes – especially payroll tax. There is nothing worse than being struck by a payroll tax bill at the end of the year (or an audit). Every April, the IRS updates employers on what to expect for the coming year. April […]